What’s happening

Check out the activities happening at local Library branches.

April School Holidays Programme 

Embrace the holidays with collaborative creativity!

Various locations

Sew Easy ! at Titahi Bay library 

Sewing machine available at Titahi Bay library

Bookings essential Ph 04 2367343 - Mon, Wed, Fri.

Library Avengers Cannons Creek Library 

Become a library superhero, learn about books and libraries, gain skills and have fun.

After school or school holidays | Cannons Creek Library

Yarn at Titahi Bay Library 

Craft group, bring your craft: knitting, crochet, embroidery, cross stitch.

10.30am | First Monday of the month | Titahi Bay Library

Craft Group – Te Fale Vānanga 

A social group that meets monthly for crafts, coffee and kōrero!

10am | Second Tuesday of the month | City Centre Library

Coding Club at Whitby Library 

Learn how to code with Scratch at your library or online – it's free!

3.30–4.30pm | Tuesday | Whitby Library

Story World, City Centre Library 

Story World happens every Wednesday at the library during term time.

10.30am | Wednesday | City Centre Library

Technology Support City Centre Library 

Drop in on Wednesday for help with apps, social media, photos, online shopping, online banking.

Wednesday mornings | By appointment | City Centre Library

Time for a Yarn, Whitby Library 

Knitting, crochet, embroidery, hand sewing, tatting or anything with yarn or thread.

10-11.30am | 1st, 3rd, 5th Thursday of the month | Whitby Library

Ukulele Fun Titahi Bay Library 

Learn to play the ukulele. Why not head down to the Titahi Bay Library?

3.30pm-4pm | Thursday | Titahi Bay Library

Baby Band, City Centre Library 

For a tuneful, sociable time, get with the band! Lift your voice and boogie with your babies.

10.30am | Thursday | City Centre Library

Toddler Time Whitby Library 

Weekly fix for preschoolers, with stories, songs and rhymes, and playground next door.

10.30am | Friday | Whitby Library

Free digital courses at City Centre Library 

Get your digital confidence at Porirua City libraries. Technology courses for beginners.

Various times | City Centre Library

Book clubs 

Join us for fun, theme-based library book clubs at City Centre, Titahi Bay and Whitby.

Various times | City Centre Library | Titahi Bay | Whitby Library

Skinny Jump at City Centre Library 

Skinny broadband JUMP is available by appointment only on Tuesdays. 1pm till 2pm.

Bookings essential. Tuesdays 1pm till 2pm