Use your library card to access: Haynes Manuals, Libby, Borrowbox, Pressreader and Beamafilm.
Porirua Tamariki can have their own Junior library membership card. This Children's Library card can access books, puzzles, DVD's, eBooks, eAudiobooks, streamed eMovies, plus Young Adult fiction reads.
Visit our extensive collection of te reo Māori digital resources and newly published Māori titles.
Visit our collection of digital resources and newly published Pacific language titles in: Fäeag Rotuạm, Gana Samoa, Te Taetae ni Kiribati, Te Reo Māori Kūki ’Airani, Lea Faka-Tonga, Te Gana Tuvalu, Vagahau Niue, Vosa Vakaviti, Te Gagana Tokelau, Papua Niugini Tok Pisin, and Solomon Aelan Pijin.
This handy page provides links to resources including: New Zealand Government websites, encyclopedias, dictionaries, white pages, regional council flood maps and legal resources.
Discover Porirua's history with local heritage resources like newspapers, maps, photographs, Porirua history booklets and the genealogy resource collection.
Read online book reviews from Booklist. Browse the collection of eBooks and eAudiobooks from Borrowbox and Libby. Plus Free audio books on CDs.
The Book Club comes with 10 copies of each title for your reading group, plus discussion notes to keep your literacy circle engaged.