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The BorrowBox app allows Porirua Library borrowers to listen to eAudiobooks and read eBooks for free.
On portable devices: The BorrowBox app can be used on all modern Android and Apple smartphones and tablets, on desktops and laptops, and on Kobo eReaders (but not Kindle eReaders).
To get the BorrowBox app, just search for "BorrowBox" on the iTunes App store (for iOS users) or the Google Play store (for Android users).
For help on installing and using the BorrowBox app, get the BorrowBox APP guide here.
On computers: If you want to use BorrowBox through the browser on your desktop or laptop to read or listen online, follow this link to the BorrowBox webpage.
On eReaders: BorrowBox is compatible with the Kobo brand of ereader. For a walkthrough of how to read ebooks from BorrowBox on a Kobo, go the Kobo help page called "Add eBooks with Adobe Digital Editions".
Use your library card for free Beamafilm children's movies, independent films, and documentaries. For the full guide to Beamafilm
The Libby app gives Porirua Library borrowers access to the eBooks and eAudiobooks available through ePukapuka (the Lower North Island Digital Library Group).
On portable devices: The Libby app can be used on all modern Android and Apple smartphones and tablets, on desktops and laptops, and on Kobo ereaders (but not Kindle ereaders). Follow this link for the Libby app Meet Libby.
On computers: If you want to use Libby through the browser on your desktop or laptop to read or listen online follow this link to the Libby webpage.
You can also go directly to the ePukapuka webpage to see all your account details, borrow, renew or reserve items, and even listen or read digital books online on your computer.
On eReaders: Libby is compatible with the Kobo brand of eReader. For a walkthrough of how to read eBooks from Libby on a Kobo, go to Kobo help page called "Borrow eBooks from the public library using your Kobo eReader".
We have audiobook sets on CD. They are listed in our main library catalogue. You can borrow them for three weeks. To find them choose "Audiobooks" from the drop-down list to the right of the search box in the catalogue. Audiobooks are rental free, click here
Use your library card and PIN/ password to access over 7,000 newspapers and magazines, from 120 countries and in 70 languages.
Get the APP guide here Quick guide for Pressreader