Interloans & requests

Interloans costs are $5 for an article. $10 for a book within NZ, $15 for books sourced from Australia.

Interloans costs are $5 for an article. $10 for a book within NZ, $15 for books sourced from Australia.


We can interloan magazine articles ($5), most books ( $10) , most CDs, some videos and some DVDs, if we don't have them in the SMART network. We can also interloan microforms from National Library.

  • Request form 
    You'll be asked to log in to make an interloan request

Your request will be actioned within three days. The item should arrive within one week if it's from a New Zealand library.


Interloan a book from a New Zealand library $10
Interloan a book from an Australian library $15
Interloan a newspaper or journal article from a New Zealand library $5

When it arrives

  1. We'll send you an email or a text.
  2. Come in to the library to collect it – you can choose which branch to pick it up from.
  3. It'll be issued for 4–6 weeks.
  4. In most cases you can renew it for a further 3-4 weeks – just give us a call or email before it's due.
    +64 4 237 1533[email protected]

Some things can't be interloaned

You will not be able to interloan books less than six months old, reference works, some videos and DVDs, whole issues of magazines, or items we already have in the SMART network libraries.

If you're not sure, or need some help, contact the Interloans Librarian, [email protected] or phone (04) 237 1533.

Suggest a purchase

Seen a book or other item you think we need?  We're happy to take suggestions for items that would add depth or breadth to our collection (or that are just a good read).  

We'll consider your request within 3 working days and let you know if we're going to buy it.

If you're not sure, or need some help, have a look at our Latest Collection Development Policy, on our Policies page

Contact  [email protected] or phone (04) 237 1533.

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