Kia ora, our Porirua libraries will be closed on Wellington Anniversary Day, Monday 20 January. You can still check your card, renew books, reserve books or use our online services. Our branches will be back to their usual hours from Tuesday 21 January.
Becoming a member is easy, and free for Porirua residents, business owners and ratepayers.
Online membership form – you'll be asked to accept our terms and conditions and fill in your details. If the application is for a child, we'll need guarantor details.
Note :
Bring these if you're a Porirua resident:
Bring these if you're not a Porirua resident but pay rates on a Porirua property or own a Porirua business:
If you're a member of another library in our SMART network (Kāpiti, Masterton, South Wairarapa, Hutt Valley, Whitireia or Weltec), you can use your SMART card at Porirua Library. Use your SMART card to get books out from our catalogue – either in person, or by reserving them online and getting them sent to your branch.
If you live in one of our SMART network partner cities and don't have a library card, you can join up at your local library.
Parents/guarantors, when you come to the library, please bring a driver licence, passport or other ID, and something that shows where you live (like a bank statement, power bill or letter from a government department (or you can show it on a phone).
If you're a teacher at a Porirua school we are happy to offer you free library membership. Just sign up as a member, bring in your ID, and we'll send your card to your school.
You can now put your library card on your phone- download the Spydus App.
Get the Spydus Mobile App guide here
If you don't qualify for free membership by being a resident or ratepayer of Porirua or one of our neighbouring
SMART Library cities, we have some other options.
Your paid membership has the same rights and responsibilities as our other memberships, and gives you access to the
SMART library network.
Apply for membership online, and bring in your ID and proof of address to a branch.